The melodi matrix

A clinical stage soft tissue support device that elutes antibiotics and absorbs into the body¹, the Melodi Matrix leverages a clinically proven technology². The Melodi Matrix is intended to provide soft tissue support in immediate, two-stage post-mastectomy alloplastic prepectoral breast reconstruction.

CAUTION: Investigational device. Limited by Federal (or US) law to Investigational Use

¹ Pre-clinical data on File

² Tarakji KG, Mittal S, Kennergren C, et al. Antibacterial Envelope to Prevent Cardiac Implantable Device Infection. N Engl J Med. 2019;380(20):1895-1905.

The Melodi Matrix is a synthetic scaffold designed to be:

  • Antibacterial

    Gradually releases antibiotics directly into the tissue

  • Absorbable

    Absorbs through the process of hydrolysis

  • Porous

    Promots tissue ingrowth through a macroporous structure

  • Expandable

    Allows for tissue expansion

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